
In Maths, we have been learning about fractions. We have learnt what a half and a quarter mean, what they look like and explored them practically with shapes and amounts.  We have really enjoyed this topic! 

Striking and fielding 🏏

This half term we have been focussing on our striking and fielding skills in PE. We have practised hitting, catching and throwing a ball. We explored the different roles that players have within a team and learnt to work well together to achieve those roles.  Today we got into small teams and played a simple…

Spend spend spend!

To be able to see what your child has been given carrot rewards for and for them to be able to spend them please access it through the link below. Click the picture and use the log in details in your child’s reading record… If you click on the shop tab, you will see a…

Earth Day🌍

Happy Earth Day!  Today, we talked about ways we can help look after our planet. We discussed how we could save energy, recycle our waste, and cut fuel consumption. We created some lovely earth themed artwork, earth day hats and reused some of our junk to create something beautiful.  

Special visitor

Today we had a lovely visit from Katie, who works for Reflexions. Reflexions is a Mental Health Support Team (MHST). The service aims to help increase access to mental health support for children in schools. Katie wanted to talk to us about little and big feelings, how we may experience them and strategies we could…


In Maths, we have been learning how to count in 2s, 5s and 10s. We have used ‘Splat the Number’ to help us spot the pattern and practice our skip counting when exploring multiples of 2… Here is a Numberblocks episode which will consolidate your child’s learning on multiples of 2… Below is also a…

Summer Term🌤

What a wonderful first week back!  It was so lovely to see the children back with their friends and to find out all about their Easter holidays.  We took full advantage of the nice weather and enjoyed making some observation drawings of natural objects around the school grounds…  Next week we will be learning all…

Easter cooking🧁

During February half term we were lucky enough to have pancake day! This holiday we have Easter, who doesn’t like chocolate for breakfast. However, I would love to see any cooking or baking you do in the Easter Holidays. Please send them in to the email address. I can’t wait to see what you…

Happy Easter🐣

Mrs Taylor, Miss Haroon and I would like to wish you all a wonderful Spring break! Have a well-deserved rest, involving lots of chocolate and fun. 🐣🌻💛☀️

World Down Syndrome Day💚

For WDSD, the children were invited to come to school in their odd socks. We talked about why and had some great discussions about two lovely little girls in our school. The idea behind wearing crazy socks is to spark conversations about Down syndrome and raise awareness.  The children also enjoyed creating their own crazy…